Mr Auwal Ibrahim a part-time road side carpenter sharing experience With DAZZLE® CARPENTRY TRAINING LIMITED.
We often hear about the problems young people go through in life to make ends meet-social rejection, academic failure, and lack of accessible capital for business. Yet some people do overcome significant challenges and lead successful lives. What does success mean to them and how do they achieve it? What internal characteristics do these individuals possess and what external factors have been present in their lives?
Mr Auwal Ibrahim who hails from Akwanga, Nasarawa state and he attended Government Secondary school Gudi. He works as a roadside carpenter with his elder brother. In his quest to wanting to improve on his carpentry skills, he stumbled over DAZZLE® CARPENTRY TRAINING LIMITED website on google, which turned out to be the total package he needed to achieve his dream.
Mr Auwal Ibrahim visited our Head office at Wuse 2 in Abuja to satisfy his curiosity, he was received by one of our representative Chukwuemeka Oji, where they discussed at length. Mr Auwal Ibrahim was fully satisfied, he couldn’t help but express his joy and satisfaction to have stumbled on DAZZLE® CARPENTRY TRAINING LIMITED website and to have made it to our office.
Mr Auwal Ibrahim like any other young Nigerians, living below average life gave his widows-might with the sum of one thousand Naira only to support the good work that DAZZLE® CARPENTRY TRAINING LIMITED is doing in the life of Nigerians which we declined but he insisted that we take it as his spirit was moved to give, saying that “no amount is too big to describe the importance of what DAZZLE® CARPENTRY TRAINING LIMITED is doing to the Nigerian Community, and that is only God that can bless DAZZLE® CARPENTRY TRAINING LIMITED”.
Mr Auwal Ibrahim is a rare gem and a young man who has the fire to succeed burning brightly in him and doing all he can to break through the shackles of poverty. We say the sky is the starting point for Mr Auwal Ibrahim and Nigerians who will emulate this young man!!!
If you want to be part of this success story COME NOW!!!
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