Meet OLABISI the Pretty Nigerian Girl Who is a Carpenter and Very Proud of It.
A young Nigerian carpenter is making tremendous waves after she shared her inspiring story how she began her work.
This is the amazing life story of a beautiful Nigerian girl who is proudly a carpenter and doing well in her trade.
The girl who goes by the name Olabisi Carpenter has taken to Instagram to share how her journey into carpentry began and how it is now paying off well.
Olabisi wrote on Instagram: “So about a week ago, I started my self carpentry training..waow! ‚thanks to YouTube and the free carpentry books online. I had actually thought it’s going to be an easy ride but eish….it’s not been easy and neither is it as difficult as I was told it would be.
“The beautiful thing is, this journey is revealing to me much more than ever that God is a God of process. Therefore, no pressure! Whether I succeed or fail is inconsequential, I am open enough to take the risk to fail. No pressure. No quest for instant gratification. No immediate result needed. For me, it’s all about enjoying the process.”